recruitment technology

Recruitment tech investment and cost-cutting: a critical balancing act

Posted May 12th, 2020

DaXtra’s co-founding director, Sergei Makhmodov, discusses the benefits of investing in recruitment technology with leading Australian recruitment publication, Shortlist. Shortlist has been providing...

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The Discovery Call, with DaXtra Technologies

Posted March 10th, 2020

Recently, DaXtra Sales Director, Chris Wirt, was interviewed by Kunal Laroia, Executive Director of Recruiters Network. In this episode of "The Discovery Call," Kunal and Chris discuss DaXtra's...

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DaXtra and Herefish announce partnership

Posted January 2nd, 2020

DaXtra and Herefish partner to streamline the recruitment process with market-leading automation

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Recruitment technology - how to navigate the maze of options

Posted November 12th, 2019

Over the last few years, there seems to have been an explosion in recruitment technology (RecTech) – with an app for almost everything. Will 2020 be the year when the robots take over and replace...

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Resume secrets you need to know: Tips to get your resume through a parser

Posted September 19th, 2019

Industry-leading resume parser, DaXtra Technologies, reveals tips guaranteed to get your resume through a parser

By M. Christine Watson, Marketing Director, DaXtra Technologies

Writing a resume can...

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How to Be More Proactive in Your Hiring Efforts

Posted September 17th, 2019

This article is a guest post by Augusta Henning, Resume-Library.

Are you struggling to hire right now? If so, you’re not alone. Indeed, many companies are finding it difficult to entice people out of...

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Improving candidate experience is vital - and tech is leading the way

Posted August 8th, 2019

By Adrian Farthing, Enterprise Sales Consultant, DaXtra Technologies

Most of us are familiar with the heartache of applying for a coveted job and losing to a more (or, sometimes, less!) qualified... Read more »

It’s time to end candidate database waste once and for all

Posted June 17th, 2019

By Terry Bustamante, Sales Director, North America, DaXtra Technologies

One thing is abundantly clear as 2019 nears its midpoint: This is the year many senior executives in the recruitment industry...

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Dedication in delivering to our clients

Posted May 21st, 2019

DaXtra's core values revolve around client service

Pictured left to right, DaXtra America's Client Services Team: Thanh Luu, Installations Engineer; Amy Pierson, Account Manager; Angela Messina,...
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ERP! ...Excuse me?

Posted February 5th, 2019

RecTech Initialisms and Acronyms you should know

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