recruitment technology

Market update - are you ready for the great rehiring?

Posted July 30th, 2021

Emerging from the crisis period of Covid-19 was never going to be a straightforward process, but there have been optimistic indications that economies are on the road to recovery. UK GDP has been...

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Using our recruitment experience to solve your key challenges

Posted May 27th, 2021

Many of our DaXtra team have previously worked in recruitment businesses, so we understand the challenges that you face. We use this insight and knowledge to build technology that meets recruiters’...

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Using our recruitment expertise to build a better product

Posted March 25th, 2021

At DaXtra, we realize that in order to give recruiters the recruitment automation solutions they require to do their jobs, the following questions need to be answered:

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Plant a tree, grow your business: the SAP global tree planting initiative

Posted March 18th, 2021

A little more than two years ago we made our partnership with SAP official. We listed our two flagship premium solutions, DaXtra Search and DaXtra Capture, on the SAP marketplace, then known as the...

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A look into 2021: recruiting trends to watch

Posted January 14th, 2021

Who could have anticipated what was in store for us in 2020? The enormous challenges that we’ve been up against have shaped us as we move into a new year. In the face of the rapid changes before us,...

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Adapting for success: mapping skills to redeploy staff

Posted January 12th, 2021

By Adrian Farthing, Enterprise Sales Manager at DaXtra Technologies

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DaXtra joins the HRTech247 platform

Posted January 6th, 2021

We're excited to have joined the HRTech247 community, the home of HR and payroll technology. 

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Has your recruitment database become a junk drawer?

Posted December 11th, 2020

Remediating the candidate data in your database

A top challenge among recruiters is the ability to organize and search over data in their recruitment databases. Like many in the industry, you have a...

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Introducing DaXtra’s new Canada Country Manager: BJ Blumenthal

Posted October 13th, 2020

Expansion in times of pandemic presents a challenge. Nonetheless, Canada has been on our radar for some time due to our growing Canadian customer base and the increased market appetite for automated...

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Keep Talking: Candidates and Chatbots

Posted July 7th, 2020

As recruitment technology continues to evolve, new tools are changing the ways recruiters can engage with candidates, particularly in the early stages of the process.

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