By Terry Bustamante, Daxtra
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DaXtra and Talentio, a young Japanese ATS and recruitment software provider, announce a technological partnership to bring DaXtra's high accuracy CV parsing technology with full Japanese language...
Read more »By Andrei Mikheev, CEO DaXtra Technologies
Read more »It’s early on a Monday morning and you are sitting in the office staring at the login screen of a new system that you will have spent hours researching, days of meeting with sales people and weeks of...
Read more »James Henderson from ARN published an article today explaining that the collaboration between the UK and Australia in the technology sector reached new heights during 2017, with five UK-based...
Read more »The latest language added to the growing list of DaXtra Parser's fully supported languages is Bulgarian.
Consistently benchmarked as the highest overall in CV/resume parsing accuracy across multiple...
Read more »Have you or others in your office been experiencing more days where an increasing number of tasks are inundating you, and in the attempt to juggle and multitask, you get nothing done? It's like a...
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