Daxtra Blog

Biting the Budget Bullet

Posted October 24th, 2013

The recruitment sector cut backs had left many HR teams struggling to manage with limited resources and funds. Thankfully, however, this trend is slowly changing and we are finally beginning to see...

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Big Data May Be the Future, But the CV is Still King

Posted October 22nd, 2013

By now, we’ve all heard our industry’s excitement about Big Data. It’s the future, some people say. It’s going to revolutionise recruitment. Sure, that sounds wonderful. But at this stage, the...

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Can technology ever be a substitute for human intuition?

Posted October 17th, 2013

How did you secure your last job?

Chances are it wasn’t by walking into a bar and receiving a phone alert with your dream job. In fact it is almost certain that a stranger didn’t approach you, nor...

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Daxtra expands in Richmond, moves to new offices

Posted September 30th, 2013

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The benefits of cloud computing come at a price

Posted September 13th, 2013

There is no disputing that cloud computing has changed the way global organisations operate. The technology has enabled organisations to act efficiently and usually at a reduced cost. Cloud computing...

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If at first you don't succeed...

Posted September 12th, 2013

...try and try again! Granted, a phrase we are all familiar with, but not necessarily one we’d want to attribute to the recruitment process. The fact is sometimes we have no choice. Recruitment...

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How well do you know your candidate?

Posted September 11th, 2013

So you’ve got your basics in place, you know their credentials, checked out their employment history and have some inclination of the grades they got a few years back. Granted, a great start, but...

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Successful social recruiters must connect with personal service

Posted August 16th, 2013

The use of social media amongst teenagers worldwide is prolific and while its value within the corporate world remains questionable to some, its use within the recruitment space is reaching epidemic...

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LinkedIn - worth its valuation?

Posted August 15th, 2013

Stephen Blackmore, along with other industry professionals, discusses the benefits and pitfalls of working with LinkedIn:

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Combating the tech skills gap

Posted August 13th, 2013

The technology skills gap has been a hot topic in the recruitment and IT press lately, with research from CWJobs revealing that two-thirds of tech professionals do not have the necessary skills and...

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