CV management is about a lot more than just extracting and storing data from CVs. The data has to be made available to the business in a form which is ready for use, to give immediate productivity benefits. Here we look at what a complete CV management software solution needs to include and why.
CV Management – The Heart of the Recruitment Process
Managing CV's is at the heart of all recruitment processes and the more efficiently and quickly CV's are organised and processed the more efficient the process of recruitment will also be – with direct impact on costs, performance, responsiveness and therefore competitiveness.
Ultimately, CV management software has to fit into a recruitment business and support the work methods and processes it uses, taking into account the particular needs of the recruitment niche and any existing systems and databases already in use. While our standard products Capture, Parser and Search are already designed with the requirements of recruiters in mind, at DaXtra we go the extra mile to ensure they are fully configured to meet your needs.
CV Management Software Requirements
A complete resume management system requires a number of elements linked together and tailored specifically for the recruitment industry. Here we look in more detail at the range of functionality provided by DaXtra's CV management software.
Acquisition – Modern recruiters need to be able to collect CV's from multiple sources, not just via direct applications from candidates. This means acquiring CV's which may be in any language or format, from job boards and social media sites, and being able to process them quickly and easily. DaXtra is designed to do just this, actively finding CV's from multiple sources online and turning them into searchable data ready for use.
Parsing – The biggest job for any CV management software is turning CV text into searchable data. Historically, this meant reading through every CV and entering data manually into a system. This creates a major bottleneck in the recruitment process, requiring a great deal of manpower and human intelligence to make sense of a variety of CV styles and formats. DaXtra Parser performs this task effortlessly, achieving up to 95% accuracy.
Skills Coding – Extracting skills data from a CV is possibly the most important step in establishing whether a particular CV is a good match for a particular vacancy. But skills and the way they are described are usually highly specific to a particular niche or job type and require significant domain expertise to do well. DaXtra Capture is designed to accurately extract skills data from both structured and freeform text within a CV, ready for matching against specified skill sets in job vacancies.
Translating – Recruitment is a global industry and more and more companies are requiring multilingual personnel to service their global operations. A CV parser therefore needs to be able to deal with multilingual CV's, enabling recruiters to find candidates with rare skills or to expand into new global markets within a specific niche. DaXtra Parser's multilingual CV software processes CV's in every major language including English, German, French, Mandarin and Russian.
Data Structuring – The key to efficient CV management is storing them in a consistent format, enabling them to be easily and quickly searched and matched against vacancies. DaXtra Parser turns raw CV's and vacancies into rich, structured data, with the option to specify bespoke data fields as required by a specific niche or recruiter.
De-duplication and Validation – Resume management software needs to be able to spot duplicate CV's, which can quite easily occur when gathering CV's from online sources. It also needs to alert consultants to other data errors such as missing data or the rare occasions that a data item cannot be parsed. DaXtra Capture automatically detects multiple CV's and puts aside any problematic CV's for consultants to validate or correct, keeping the database clean.
Searching – Once CV's are loaded into your database, the resume manager software needs to provide easy access to the data. DaXtra Search allows consultants to search using natural language expressions, rather than having to learn a new query language, and then presents results already ranked, ready to be actioned. It also allows searches to be saved and run again, either manually or automatically at set times, to check for new matches.
Matching – The goal of all recruiting is to match candidates against vacancies, so an essential feature of a curriculum vitae management system is the ability to present the system with a job vacancy and bring back a list of matching CV's. DaXtra Search ranks CV's according to how well they match a particular vacancy enabling recruiters to quickly find the most likely candidates for shortlisting.
Shortlisting – Recruiters need to be able to add CV's to longlists or shortlists, and for those lists to then be available to view and edit by other consultants, helping to progress the overall recruitment process. DaXtra Capture provides full shortlisting capability and allows the creation of lists for any other reason that a recruiter may have.
Flexible Workflow – Established recruitment companies or departments will typically have well developed processes for ensuring the right people are involved at particular stages of recruitment. Often, different teams or individuals will take care of one step before passing the results to another team for the next step – so it is important that your resume management software supports this process rather than dictating a new process to be followed. DaXtra Capture allows for completely customised workflows to reflect your internal procedures.
Tracking – An essential part of resume management is to be able to see the history of a particular CV, what vacancies it may have been shortlisted for, whether an interview or placement resulted, or any other relevant information. DaXtra Capture records which consultants have viewed or action the CV and allows recruiters to add any comments that may need to be noted by future consultants.
Storing/Archiving – Recruiters often need to keep CV's on file for some time after a vacancy has been filled, for a number of reasons. This allows them to fulfil certain client requirements such ensuring that no previous applicants are considered when a position is readvertised; or simply to allow applicants to potentially be matched against future vacancies. Conversely, companies may need to ensure that CV's are deleted after a certain period of time for data protection or other reasons. DaXtra Capture ensures CV's are stored for as long as required.
Reporting – Apart from matching CV's to vacancies, a resume management system should allow managers to see and understand the size and quality of the database at any given point in time. DaXtra Capture allows managers to run reports against a large number of business critical criteria, for instance to find out the proportion of CV's held with specific skill sets, or to compare the productivity of different individuals or teams. This type of data is invaluable for business level planning and performance assessment, helping managers to make strategic decisions.
To find out more about how DaXtra software can support and improve your recruitment processes, please request a demonstration.