resume parsing

PORTERS launches “PORTERS IMEX CV Parsing” in partnership with DaXtra

Posted April 16th, 2018

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DaXtra now parses in Bulgarian

Posted November 13th, 2017

The latest language added to the growing list of DaXtra Parser's fully supported languages is Bulgarian.

Consistently benchmarked as the highest overall in CV/resume parsing accuracy across multiple...

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It's time to accelerate the evolution of Japan’s recruitment industry

Posted October 25th, 2017

By Koichi Yano, Country Manager at DaXtra Technologies Japan

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15 Years of Process Automation Recruitment Technology

Posted August 9th, 2017

DaXtra Milestone: 15 Years of Artificial Intelligent Process Automation Recruitment Technology

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DaXtra adds Vietnamese as a supported language

Posted July 10th, 2017

Did you know that DaXtra parses more languages than any other resume parsing software in the industry? And we're adding one more!

DaXtra happily announces that we're adding Vietnamese to the growing...

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DaXtra Technologies opens a new office in Australia

Posted June 27th, 2017

 By Sergei Makhmodov, CEO DaXtra Technologies Asia, @SergeiMHK

It’s official: DaXtra Technologies is delighted to announce the recent opening of our Australia office, right in the heart of Sydney’s...

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Meet the recruitment tech drivers: Old-fashioned agencies

Posted June 26th, 2017

This article was originally published in The Global Recruiter

 TECHNOLOGY — Are recruitment agencies behind the curve? No, in fact they are driving HR tech innovation argues Sergei Makhmodov, CEO...

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Man and Machine: Finding Balance in the Recruitment Industry

Posted May 26th, 2017

Yes, we’ve heard. The Robots are coming. They’re here, actually. Artificial intelligence has spread its electronic tentacles into every industry imaginable. A.I. has become the trending buzz phrase,...

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Improving the candidate-recruiter experience

Posted May 25th, 2017

This article was originally published on the iContract blog on 11th May 2017 

TECHNOLOGY - With our CV parsing software, recruiters can instantly download your CV at the touch of a button.

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DaXtra as an Industry Leader

Posted January 12th, 2017

In a Business News Daily article on trends and hiring in the digital age, Nicole Fallon Taylor, Managing Editor, stressed the forthcoming trend of sourcing social and mobile recruiting data and...

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