
Combating the Negative Effects of Multitasking

Posted March 14th, 2018


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New systems mean new thinking - how to get your team onboard

Posted February 6th, 2018

It’s early on a Monday morning and you are sitting in the office staring at the login screen of a new system that you will have spent hours researching, days of meeting with sales people and weeks of...

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Rich Data, Poor Data

Posted January 7th, 2018

Better quality candidate data can give you an edge

Are you interested in getting more out of your recruiting or staffing CRM? Perhaps the candidate data being pulled in when you search the internet...

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DaXtra hires apprentices for its Sales and IT teams

Posted July 4th, 2017

On Monday 3rd July we welcomed two new apprentices to DaXtra. This UK government incentive is an effective way of helping young people looking to get work experience while allowing the hirer to...

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DaXtra Technologies opens a new office in Australia

Posted June 27th, 2017

 By Sergei Makhmodov, CEO DaXtra Technologies Asia, @SergeiMHK

It’s official: DaXtra Technologies is delighted to announce the recent opening of our Australia office, right in the heart of Sydney’s...

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In automating recruitment, will human jobs be lost? Of course, but there’s a major upside

Posted November 30th, 2016

By Sergei MakhmodovCo-founder and Asia CEO of DaXtra Technologies

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Use the Right Tool

Posted November 11th, 2016

There’s an old adage about using the right tool for the right job. If you’re in the recruitment industry, specified technology is more important than ever in gaining an edge over competition.

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Listen Up!

Posted November 4th, 2016

A recruiter is essentially an interviewer, in part. Not unlike a TV reporter, radio personality or even a talk show host, an interviewer must know the right questions to ask candidates. But perhaps...

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New partnership with Tracker RMS

Posted July 17th, 2015

DaXtra has signed a partnership agreement with the recruitment efficiency specialist TrackerRMS to provide an integrated, contextualised search capability to the US, Canadian and UK recruitment...

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