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Live chat show: what your recruitment business needs to thrive

Written by Jacob O'Shea | May 13, 2021 4:53:58 PM

The recruitment industry has shifted dramatically over the past twelve months, and recruitment businesses have had to adjust and adapt to stay relevant and competitive. As sectors of the economy start to reopen, and widespread hiring picks up, many are beginning to consider what changes they’ll need to make in order to best serve their clients and candidates as the year progresses.

To provide some insights into this and other topics, DaXtra's Adrian Farthing took part in the second part of UK Recruiter’s Recruitment Smarts Live ‘What your recruitment business needs to look like to thrive’, hosted by Louise Triance.

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During the session, Adrian along with Donna Owen from Vincere, James Lawton from TargetRecruit and Gareth Christian-Lim from Recii, discussed some of the recent changes the recruitment industry has undergone and the key areas recruitment businesses need to focus on to best serve their candidates and clients as society begins to reopen.

Some of the main points the panel covered include:

  • Why recruitment processes won't be reverting back to what they were pre-pandemic
  • Why good quality data is the key to fuelling your recruitment tech stack
  • How to determine what processes and workflows you should be automating and which tasks should be left to your recruiters
  • The importance of regularly reviewing your tech stack and any new tech you implement to examine its impact and to spot new opportunities
The importance of automation and ensuring you have good data was one of the key takeaways from the session. James Lawton of TargetRecruit pointed out, "No matter what recruitment tech you've got in place, what recruitment tech you're reviewing, or looking to put in place, think about the quality of your data." Donna Owen from Vincere further underlined the role good data plays in powering recruitment automation solutions "Make sure you have good data integrity, otherwise you'll be automating a load of rubbish."

For more information on the role good data plays in powering your recruitment tech stack, check out our recent webinar.