Daxtra Blog

DaXtra Technologies — Products and Services

Written by M. Christine Watson | Nov 6, 2019 5:40:33 PM

What sets DaXtra apart from our competitors? We are especially proud of our industry-leading technology in the core products we offer our customers — resume parsing and semantic search and match solutions. We've built our philosophy around our ability to automate the recruiting process — from searching and matching candidates to jobs and jobs to candidates, then loading those candidates into your database. We help you to find the best candidates, fast, before the competitors do.

Using AI in the form of Natural Language Processing, our semantic search and match is able to quickly locate the most qualified candidates out there and match them to jobs. All done from within your ATS or CRM, through a single-action search process that searches over job boards, online sources and your own local database. Search results are delivered as rich structured text and stack-ranked based on context. Candidate profiles within your database are deduped and updated. You can now easily search over the candidate data in your database and the assets you have within your own system can be found and used before resorting to outside sources.

We want our customers to succeed and through them we want to see candidates being placed into the best, most relevant jobs out there. We also want to see companies filling their open positions with the most qualified candidates. Why? Because when you focus on finding the best job fit, success is all but guaranteed for all those involved!

Here’s a short video of our US team talking a little bit about DaXtra:

— m. Christine Watson, DaXtra Marketing Director

About Us – Daxtra Products and Services from DaXtra Technologies on Vimeo.